How to Apply Twig Shortcodes with Timber

timber twig apply shortcodes


Hey readers, welcome to our ultimate guide on applying Twig shortcodes with Timber! We know that working with shortcodes can sometimes be a handful, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about Timber shortcodes, from setting them up to implementing them in your Twig templates. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive in!

Setting Up Timber Shortcodes

Before we start applying shortcodes, let’s make sure we have everything set up correctly. First, ensure you have Timber installed and activated on your WordPress site. Once that’s done, create a new folder called "shortcodes" in your theme’s directory. This folder will hold all your custom shortcodes.

Creating a Shortcode File

Now, let’s create our first shortcode. Inside the "shortcodes" folder, create a new PHP file and name it according to your shortcode’s functionality. For instance, if we’re creating a shortcode to display a list of recent posts, we could name the file "recent-posts.php".

Inside this file, we’ll define our shortcode using the add_shortcode() function. Here’s an example:

add_shortcode( 'recent-posts', 'my_recent_posts_shortcode' );
function my_recent_posts_shortcode() {
  // Your shortcode logic here

Implementing Shortcodes in Twig

Now that we have our shortcode defined, let’s learn how to use it in our Twig templates. To apply a shortcode in Twig, simply use the shortcode filter. Here’s how:

{{ '[shortcode_name]'|shortcode }}

For example, to display our recent posts list, we would use:

{{ '[recent-posts]'|shortcode }}

Advanced Shortcode Usage

Passing Arguments to Shortcodes

Shortcodes can also accept arguments to customize their output. To pass arguments, add them within the shortcode’s square brackets. For instance, to specify the number of posts to display in our recent posts list, we could use:

{{ '[recent-posts count="5"]'|shortcode }}

Nesting Shortcodes

Sometimes, you may need to nest shortcodes within one another. To do this, simply use the shortcode filter multiple times:

{{ '[outer-shortcode]'|shortcode }}
  {{ '[inner-shortcode]'|shortcode }}
{{ '[/outer-shortcode]'|shortcode }}

Troubleshooting Shortcode Issues

Shortcode Not Displaying

If your shortcode is not appearing on the frontend, check the following:

  • Ensure the shortcode is registered correctly in the functions.php file.
  • Verify that you’re using the correct shortcode name in your Twig template.
  • Make sure the shortcode file has the correct PHP syntax.

Shortcode Output Not as Expected

If your shortcode’s output is not as expected, inspect the following:

  • Check the logic in your shortcode function to ensure it’s returning the desired output.
  • Verify that you’re passing the correct arguments to the shortcode in your Twig template.
  • Inspect your Twig template to make sure there are no syntax errors.

Markdown Table Breakdown of Twig Shortcodes

Feature Description
[shortcode_name] Basic shortcode application
[shortcode_name arg1="value1" arg2="value2"] Passing arguments to shortcodes
`{{ ‘[shortcode_name]’ shortcode }}`
`{{ ‘[outer-shortcode]’ shortcode }} {{ ‘[inner-shortcode]’


Well done, readers! You’ve now mastered the art of applying Timber shortcodes. Remember, practice makes perfect, so experiment with different shortcodes and scenarios to enhance your understanding. If you’re looking to dive deeper into Twig, check out our other articles on Twig templates and functions. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments. Happy Timber coding!

FAQ about Timber Twig Apply Shortcodes

How do I apply shortcodes in Timber Twig templates?

{{ do_shortcode('[shortcode_name]') }}

How do I pass parameters to shortcodes?

{{ do_shortcode('[shortcode_name param1="value 1" param2="value 2"]') }}

How do I create reusable shortcodes in functions.php?

add_shortcode('shortcode_name', 'your_shortcode_function');

How do I use the shortcode_atts filter to modify shortcode parameters?

function your_shortcode_atts( $atts, $shortcode ) {
  // Modify $atts here and return it
  return $atts;
add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_' . $shortcode, 'your_shortcode_atts', 10, 2 );

How do I use the apply_filters Twig function to apply custom filters to shortcode output?

{{ do_shortcode('[shortcode_name]') | apply_filters('custom_filter_name') }}

How do I handle conditional logic in shortcodes?

{% if is_home() %}
  {{ do_shortcode('[shortcode_name]') }}
{% endif %}

How do I register shortcodes with a plugin or custom post type?

Use the init hook to register shortcodes:

add_action( 'init', 'your_register_shortcodes' );

function your_register_shortcodes() {
  add_shortcode('shortcode_name', 'your_shortcode_function');

How do I add shortcodes to sidebars?

Use a plugin like "Widget Shortcode" or "WP Shortcode Widget":


How do I debug shortcodes?

Use the error_log function to output errors:

error_log(print_r($error_message, true));